报价: 8.50元/片
最小起订: 1
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发布时间: 2020-04-10 20:20
浏览次数: 1699
手机号: 13911901007
电话: 8601051669481
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FERRO Process Temperature Control Rings 陶瓷测温环的型号及应用行业
   温度范围    型号  颜色            应用行业560~660°CPTCR-ZTH蓝色低温耐火材料、日用瓷、美术陶瓷、瓷砖和窑具660~9.00°CPTCR-UTH浅黄低温耐火材料、日用瓷、美术陶瓷、瓷砖和窑具850~1.100°CPTCR—ETH浅黄低温耐火材料、日用瓷、美术陶瓷、瓷砖和窑具PTCR - ETL970~1.250°CPTCR—LTH粉红瓷料预合成、陶瓷、建筑用砖瓦、低温耐火材料和窑具PTCR-LTL1.130~1.400°CPTCR—STH浅绿单层和多层电容器、铁氧体和绝缘陶瓷、卫生陶瓷、粉末冶金、日用瓷、砖瓦、砂轮、 磁性材料、中温耐火材料和窑具PTCR - STL1.340~1.520°CPTCR—MTH浅黄磁性材料、绝缘陶瓷、瓷器、介电陶瓷、压电陶瓷、半导体陶瓷、其它光功能陶瓷、生物及化学功能陶瓷、中至高温耐火材料、窑具PTCR - MTL1.450~1.750°CPTCR—HTH白色特殊结构陶瓷、特殊功能陶瓷、基片、高温耐火材料和窑具

 FERRO Process Temperature Control Rings 测温环规格
 PTCR测温环尺寸: 外径:20mm, 内径:10mm, 厚度:7.0mm。

The multifunctional PTCR concept comprises
• improved ceramic PTCR rings
• improved, convenient packaging
• the PTCR micrometer with numerical or digital
• a batch-specific temperature table

PTCR: What it is
The Process Temperature Control Ring, PTCR,is a highly accurate ceramic temperature indicator which records the true heat treatment received by the fired product. PTCR rings take account of both radiated and transferred heat, as well as the effects of temperature over time. It conveniently allows this recorded heat exposure to be expressed as a single number - ring temperature (RT) - which is practical and easy to work with.

PTCR rings can be used in both batch and continuous tunnel kilns; they are used in a range of atmospheres*. Five different PTCRtypes are available - in heights of 3.5 and 7.0mm - covering a range from 850 to 1750°C(1562 to 3182°F). Ring types are identified by
color coding and batch and type numberspressed into the ring.
Originally PTCR has been developed for inhouse application in critical firing processes for advanced electronic ceramic components.
Now, the PTCR brings the benefits of easy,accurate kiln temperature measurement to awide range of industries.


  • 地址:中国北京北京市北京市通州区通胡大街70号
  • 电话:8601051669481
  • 手机:13911901007
  • 联系人:杨勇