陶瓷测温环 FERRO测温环
耐火温度: 650—1750(℃)
产地: 欧洲
品牌: ferro
报价: 7.90元/个
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2020-04-10 20:20
浏览次数: 808
手机号: 13911901007
电话: 8601051669481
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   例如:热电偶并不能测量产品本身的温度,而是产品烧制时的环境温度。热电偶记录在顶端获得的温度,只是空间和时间的一点, 一个热电偶无法决定加热过程;一只热电偶是无法提供窑炉在不同方位加热是否均匀的信息,它只能测辐射热,而不涉及来自窑炉 具的传导热。

   FERRO 测温环是一种高精密度的陶瓷温度指示器,它忠实记录了烧制过程中制品所经历的热过程。 
   FERRO 测温环不仅可以测出辐射热与放射热,还考虑了温度随时间推移所产生的影响。 
   FERRO 测温环能方便地把受热过程以一个简单的数字来表示--环温度(RT),便于应用在实际工作中。

Process Temperature Control Rings
Higher products and lower costs through improved, reliable firing control


Take control of your firing process

 In the manufacture of ceramic products, few things are as critical as accurate control of the firing process. After all, the results have a direct effect on the - and the costs - of the final product.

Optimal firing control requires both accurate measurement of the heat treatment - the temperature and its effect over time - together
with the ability to control the temperature and the uniformity of its distribution throughout the kiln. Effective temperature measurement
is the key to guaranteed product .

Most conventional temperature measurementues are limited both in time and in location. For example, the thermocouples
generally used in the ceramic industry do not measure the temperature of the product itself,but that of its vicinity. They are also limited to measuring radiated heat, and take no account of heat transferred from kiln furniture.


  • 地址:中国北京北京市北京市通州区通胡大街70号
  • 电话:8601051669481
  • 手机:13911901007
  • 联系人:杨勇